Download and Installation

The following steps capture how to install valence. All installation steps require super user permissions.

Database etcd installation

Single node installation reference:

Distributed installation reference:

For development, single node installation is recommended practice.

Valence Installation

  1. Install software dependencies

    $ sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-dev build-essential

  2. Clone the Valence code from git repo.

    $ git clone

  3. Execute the ‘’ file present in the Valence root directory. The install script will automatically install the dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file.

    $ sudo bash

  4. Check and set the values in valence.conf located at /etc/valence/valence.conf as required.

  5. Check the PYTHON_HOME and other variables in /etc/init/valence.conf

  6. Initialize etcd database

    $ valence-db-manager init

    Note: The TypeError exception “TypeError: NoneType object is not callable” is caused by known python-etcd bug, which will not impact this db init functionality.

  7. Start valence service

    $ sudo service valence start

  8. Logs are located at /var/logs/valence/

Installation using pip

At the command line:

$ pip install valence

Or, if you have virtualenvwrapper installed:

$ mkvirtualenv valence
$ pip install valence

GUI installation

Please refer to the installation steps in the ui-README file.